Welcome to CMARC!

We welcome all Amateur Radio operators and anyone interested in the hobby to all of our meetings and activities.

We strive to keep on top of the ever changing Amateur Radio hobby and community by welcoming presenters and offering classes and forums to explore the cutting edge of what radio operators can now accomplish.

Sept 14th 2024

Join Us for Family Night and the Ziegenbein Award Dinner!

The Ziegenbein Award is presented each year to the full CMARC member who has contributed the most to amateur radio, in general and CMARC, in particular for the previous calendar year. 

What’s Happening In The Shack

2024 Dues

Have you paid your 2024 CMARC and LCDRA Dues yet? See our Membership page for more information.

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Logo Update

Possible new CMARC logos are available for comment. Click the post to see available options and comment.

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