
Nets are perhaps the single most important aspect of Amateur Radio. It makes sense, really, when you consider that the foundation of Amateur Radio is Public Service and Communication.

With that in mind, please consider joining us on an upcoming Net, won’t you?


Central Michigan Slow Scan TV Net
Net Control: Carl (K8YHH)
Frequency: Every
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Repeater: 145.39, negative offset, 100 Hz PL Tone
Who: All amateur radio operators within the coverage area. Beginners to SSTV are welcome!


Lansing ARPSC Training and Information Net 
Net Control: TBA
Frequency: 2nd monday of the month
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Repeater: 145.39, negative offset, 100 Hz PL Tone
Who: All amateur radio operators within the coverage area.

Bob (KB8DQQ)
Carl (K8YHH)


Mid-Michigan Information and Trader‘s Net
Net Control: Bob Strobel (KB8DQQ)
Frequency: Every
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Repeater: 145.39, negative offset, 100 Hz PL Tone
Who: All amateur radio operators within the coverage area.


Quarter Century Wireless Association Net
Net Control: Bob Strobel (KB8DQQ)
Frequency: Every
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Repeater: 146.70, negative offset, 107.2 Hz PL Tone
Who: All amateur radio operators within the coverage area.

Ten Meter Net
Net Control: Bob Strobel (KB8DQQ)
Frequency: Every
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Repeater: 28.495 simplex or down 5 KHz if busy
Who: All licensed amateurs.

Let’s remember & give thanks to all who maintain our local area repeaters from the Lansing Civil Defense Repeater Association (LCDRA) who give of their time & money to keep up the, 145.39, 146.94, 146.70, 145.47, 224.98 repeaters. Without which we would not be able to have the wonderful Nets we enjoy!