Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club
Morse code CQ CQ DE W8PLP LANSING, MI 73 K
2020 CMARC Hamfest is September 19 !!

Be sure to mark Saturday, September 19, 2020 on your calendars for the Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club’s 2020 HAMFEST !! It will be a great time for Ham Radio, Computer, and Electronic equipment enthusiasts and their families! This year, the CMARC HAMFEST will be held at the Okemos Conference Center, 2187 University Park Drive, Okemos, Michigan 48864, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Admission $5.00. Six foot by two foot table $5.00. There will be VE testing available (starting at 11am with walk-ins welcome), and a GOTA station. We have a lot of great prizes this year, with our Grand Prize (to be announced). We will also have food available. And don't forget to stop by the ARRL table and visit with our Michigan Section Manager ! Everyone please come out and visit the Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club’s 2020 HAMFEST !!

To register, or for any HAMFEST questions, please send an email to: hamfest@centralmiarc.com.

The flyer below is for the past 2019 HAMFEST. A new flyer will be posted when available. Most of the information is the same, EXCEPT note the new date and times above.

2019 CMARC Hamfest Flyer

Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club is proud to have the following HAMFEST sponsors who have contributed merchandise, gifts, or funds to support our 2020 HAMFEST.

Icom America
DX Engineering
American Radio Relay League

To register, or for any HAMFEST questions, please send an email to: hamfest@centralmiarc.com.