Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club
Morse code CQ CQ DE W8PLP LANSING, MI 73 K
Field Day for 2024 is June 22 - 23 !!

2024 ARRL Field Day Logo

To contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-, 15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions.

Field Day is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. DX stations residing in other regions may be contacted for credit, but are not eligible to submit entries.

Each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact. Initiation of a contact may be either locally or by remote.

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.

Field Day 2024 is June 22-23.

Bands: 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-, 15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above.

Any mode supporting the Field Day exchange is allowed.

Field Day Entry/Results Submission Deadline
Entries must be postmarked or submitted via web app at field-day.arrl.org/fdentry.php by Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

Late entries cannot be accepted.

To see if your entry has been received see field-day.arrl.org/fdentriesrcvd.php. If your entry is missing any required document or bonus point proof, the status will be listed as "pending." Participants may upload additional documentation to the entry for up to 30 days after the entry deadline.

To submit your Field Day results, see the Field Day Packet (complete) section 8 (REPORTING) for web app and mail options.

Terms of Entry:
– Entrants agree to be bound by the provisions and intent of ARRL contest rules.
– Entrants agree to be bound by the regulations of their national licensing authority.
– Entrants agree to be bound by the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee.
– Entry contents used to determine final score and awards will be available to the public.
– All entries become the property of the ARRL.

Contact Information:
For Field Day information contact ARRL: fdinfo@arrl.org or (860) 594-0232.
For specific CMARC Field Day information
contact CMARC Field Day Chairs: fieldday@centralmiarc.com
For CMARC press release: CMARC 2024 Press Release

Field Day is not a contest:

– no logs are required

– dupe sheets must be submitted

– no certificates are awarded

– full results appear in December QST

CMARC Field Day 2024 will be at Rayner Park, 738 Ash Street, Mason, Michigan. Ash Street is also known as M-36. Field Day activities will be held at the south end of the park, past the covered pavilion.

Schedule of Events (current plans, subject to change):
Friday, June 21, 2024
Setup after 3:00 p.m. (up to Station Chair).
Equipment pickup at CMARC — 5:00 p.m.
Limited Setup at Rayner Park (Depending on WX and station chairs) — 6:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 22, 2024
Site Setup — 8:00 a.m.
VE (license) testing — 10:00 a.m.
Operation Begins — 2:00 p.m.
CMARC Picnic (bring a dish to pass) — 5:30-6:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Breakfast for operators / loggers — 8:00 a.m.
Operation Ends — 2:00 p.m.
Cleanup — 2:05 p.m. onward
Unloading of tables / canopies at CMARC — 4:00 p.m.

CMARC 2024 Field Day Schedule of Events

CMARC 2024 Press Release

GOTA (Get On The Air) Station:
CMARC Field Day 2024 will have a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for those unlicensed or licensed who have little or no experience using radio equipment on the high frequency amateur radio bands. A mentor will be available to assist with using the equipment provided.

Public Information Canopy:
CMARC Field Day 2024 will have a public information canopy to supply information about amateur radio in general, Field Day, and about the Central Michigan Amateur Radio Club (CMARC).

Field Day Talk in Frequency:
145.390 MHz (100Hz CTCSS)

Field Day On Site Talk Around Frequency:
146.580 MHz simplex

Rules, Entry Forms and Information Packets:
2024 Field Day Packet
2024 Field Day FAQ
2024 Aggregate Club Scoring FAQ
2024 Field Day Rules
2024 GOTA Scoring FAQ
2024 Control Operator Information
2024 Safety Officer Info/Checklist
2024 Educational FAQ
2024 How to Succeed - by Really Trying
2024 Field Day Summary Sheet
2024 W1AW Bulletin Schedule
Field Day Log Sheet (keep for your records - don't send to ARRL)
Field Day 2-Page Dupe Sheet - best if printed on 11"x17" paper stock (send Dupe Sheet (or Cabrillo Summary sheet) to ARRL with your bonus documents {do not send Log Sheet])
ARRL/RAC Section List
ARRL/RAC Section Check List (great for kids and guests!)

ARRL Worked All States Map (great for kids and guests!)
   gray scale map (PDF)
   color map (PDF)

ARRL Field Day Supplies & Promo Posters
Official ARRL Field Day shirts, hats, mugs, participation pins, and patches are a great way to recognize your involvement in this popular, annual operating event! Advance orders for 2024 ARRL Field Day merchandise will begin late April. For Field Day supplies Go Here (while supplies last).

2024 Field Day Poster - This poster can be printed and has space for your club or organization to add information about your local Field Day event.
2024 Field Day Poster (with printing alignment marks)
It is unlawful to reproduce or copy ARRL logos and illustrations. Copyright 2024, American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. All rights reserved.